UN member states to debate on given global issues

Kathmandu, june 20 .

EIMUN family

If you want a hands-on experience in international diplomacy and conflict resolution, Everest Model United Nations (EIMUN) is the best platform to participate in. EIMUN is the first university level International Model United Nations, piloted by Youth Thinker’s Society (YTS) in Nepal.

In October 2014, EIMUN brought over 150 participants from eight countries together to a common platform in discussing and debating over imminent global issues. This year EIMUN aims to widen its outreach and bring youths from 25 countries all round the globe.

EIMUN is an exciting way of learning about working of multilateral diplomacy and negotiation. It is a participatory and informative conference that replicates procedures of the United Nations’ (UN) General Assembly, UN Security Council, and other various UN agencies. It familiarizes participants with role and functioning of United Nations in addressing global issues. Participants in the conference assume the responsibilities of ambassadors or Head of States of UN member states to debate on given global issues. It is a preparatory school for future professionals to analyze such intricacies from a close proximity and learn the essentials first hand.sony shrestha

Delegates, in such a platform, will propagate divergent perspectives on the agendas reflecting their assigned countries’, political, economical, social and cultural line of thought. International students enrich such a conference by bringing in and sharing multifarious essence of their culture and customs with other students. In an organic community like that of today’s time, networking is paramount to succeed in life. Thus, EIMUN opens the forum for participants to build on a lasting relationship beyond this program.

Students learn to respect the opinions of others even if they are deviated from their own. The skills of balancing power, harmonizing diverse interests and conducing peaceful negotiations are assets of a quintessential successful diplomat, which the students will learn from this conference. In addition, EIMUN reinforces what students learn in classrooms. Students internalize what they have been taught in classrooms and project their ideas in forms of speeches, caucusing and resolutions. It enables students to test their knowledge against practical measures and explore novel pathways not subscribed in textbooks. The students enjoy complete sovereignty as delegates to pose their stance on the issues at hand. Consequently, they are singularly responsible to defend their positions. This sense of independence confers responsibility in the students to use verifiable and qualitative information. Their presentations, arguments and dialogues need to be backed by authentic facts and data. Thus, this conference demands students to immerse themselves in research, subsequently enhancing their ability to research with efficacy.

Furthermore, it helps participants enhance their debating, public speaking, researching and negotiating skills and also enrich their engagement in diplomacy and negotiation.

As a host organization, YTS aims to instill diplomacy skills in the participants.  Among its various programmatic interventions in youth empowerment, YTS has been organizing workshops and seminars in helping students learn diplomatic and negotiation skills. Till date, YTS has successfully organized six workshops for beginners and intermediary level students where the procedural and substantive aspects of EIMUN have been taught. The workshops have been conducted by experts of international law and diplomacy along with students who have thorough experience of MUNs in their account.

YTS is a Nepal based independent youth led organization. It aims to enhance youth capacity building and leadership development through intellectual, cultural and academic exchange.

The next workshop will be held on 20th June, 2015 at YTS’s office in Kamaladi, Kathmandu. EIMUN 2015 is slated to be held in October, 2015.

