Starting the journey of MUN : Asmi Rajbhandari


Hello everyone, myself Asmi Rajbhandari representing Annal Jyoti Boarding School. Recently, our school has provided a platform of MUN. I got an opportunity to enroll in that. Here goes my experience in those three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

Starting the journey of MUN

Due to the seats being full, unfortunately they informed me that I would not be able to attend the LAI MUN.I was pretty upset and just hoped that even just one of the seat would be available. But still I thought why not do a bit of research on the program itself. I found the concept very fascinating and interesting and it just sounded like my cup of tea. Even in the morning of the day in MUN I thought that I won’t be attending and even with a heavy heart I wished the classmates who got seats. In my bus stop, at that particular morning my friend and I were discussing. How even if someone would have told us that we got seats we would have managed it and literally prayed to get seats. Well, let’s just say that if it was a coincidence or not. The moment I stepped into school a teacher of mine came running and said that they were able to get more seats and I could also participate. As soon as I heard that news. I was so happy and I hurriedly prepared for the MUN.

First day of MNU :

The first day 21st June, as per the hectic start of the day, I wasn’t allocated and I was not given the name of the country, which I was supposed to represent (due to the late registration). To be honest first I was quite intimidated as I saw other delegates who were twice as older than me competing on the same level. But I kept ahold of my nerves and entered my committee which was UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). I was assigned as the republic of Sri Lanka. The committee session was filled with instructions for beginners like me. We were given to write a position paper which I had never done and it was a great new knowledge and experience for me.

Second day of MUN :

The second day 22nd June, this was the day where the real competition begins. The mock sessions had ended and the (GSL) general speakers list had just begun. The speakers of the committee started to speak on the agenda of the conference which was Addressing the Rohingya crisis. I had no idea on the Rohingya crisis and what it was. But along this journey I researched a lot and learned a lot of new things. I researched on how the crisis had affected different countries such as Sri Lanka. I also made some few comments and spoke how had Sri Lanka implemented on the Rohingya crisis (in GSL).


Third day of MUN :

The last day 23rd June, starting the last day of LAI MUN, I was pretty surprised on how fast time had passed. Comparing to the first day I was much more confident and comfortable to speak. I spoke three times in the first half of the committee session which included one GSL and two MODS on which we discussed sustainable solutions to the Rohingya crisis. We were the first committee to end our session for lunch. As we stepped out of our room, the smell of fresh roses were roaming around us. I was informed that it was for prom. After lunch we were divided into two blocks block A and block B. I was in block A and I was told to read the laws and protocols of the countries in group A. block A statements were passed due to voting. Last but not least the closing ceremony was done and the best delegates were awarded and we all created memories were as along the journey of MUN I made a lot of friends and we exchanged placards and wrote feedbacks as well as the dias were giving more suggestions. At the time of prom everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves.  Overall I had a great experience in the LAI MUN and it is definitely a program that I would love to attend over and over again. I had made new memories, knowledge as well as friends. I highly recommend everyone to attend this program to broaden their knowledge perspective and to improve their confidence.


                                                                       Asmi Rajbhandari


